Why I'm Not Writing This Week 5/15

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Welcome to the Why I’m Not Writing This Week series!

If you’re not familiar with this series, just know that the only thing writers love more than writing is avoiding writing. And I am definitely no exception. Every Friday, I list five things that distracted me from my writing this week.

I encourage you to share with me your reasons for not writing every week too and I’ll share my favorites in the latest edition.

Spring Cleaning

I’ve been working on not just cleaning our house but also keeping it clean. Between the three animals and me staying in the house all day, every day, and my lower levels of energy, it’s become really important for me to a little bit of cleaning every day instead of waiting for things to get out of hand like I normally do.

Happy Mother’s Day

I hope all the mom’s out there had a beautiful Mother’s Day this past Sunday. I’m sad I didn’t get a chance to actually see my mom, but I did get to chat with her and both of my grandmothers. I also spent the evening at my mother-in-law’s house to enjoy a laid back dinner.

Fruits Basket 2nd Season

I’m a couple of weeks late but have jumped into the brand new season of Fruits Basket. I loved the original show, the mangas, and the last season of the reboot so I was pleasantly surprised to find the new season out already. I’m only a few episodes in but am loving it so far.


Tamora Pierce Marathon

I’m back to binge-listening to Tamora Pierce audiobooks while I work during the day. I’ve been through three in the last week and have more on hold with the library. It’s been such fun jumping into this world that originally got me into Young Adult Fantasy.

End of a Workshop

I ended the two-month-long intensive workshop I’ve been participating in. I got some great feedback on my current WIP from an editor and three of my peers in the kidlit fantasy world. I may staying contact with my group and keep working on our books together!

Here Are My Favorites reasons For Not Writing From You, My Readers:

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