Why I'm Not Writing This Week 12/17

Welcome to the Why I’m Not Writing This Week series!

If you’re not familiar with this series, just know that the only thing writers love more than writing is avoiding writing. And I am definitely no exception. Today, I’ll list five things that distracted me from my writing this week.

I encourage you to share with me your reasons for not writing every week too and I’ll share my favorites in the latest edition.

Ready For Christmas!

I hope those of you who celebrate feel prepared for the holiday in a couple of weeks. I’ve been scrambling for the last month to make sure I have everything as ready as possible. I think I finally have the house decorated, my presents are all wrapped and I’ve mailedout the Christmas cards. Hopefully now, I can just sit back and enjoy!


I’m so happy that I was able to finish NaNoWriMo this year as a winner! While I don’t think I’ll return to this book ever again, I enjoyed writing in a different genre than usual and found the process of writing something new extremely therapeutic. But now, I need some time to recover from such a rigorous writing routine so no writing in December this year!

Visit With The Grandparents!

My parents were able to visit yesterday to watch my son for the day while I focused hard on finishing up some projects at my day job. While I had to work, I still got to spend some time with them and it sounds like they had an amazing day playing with my son. It was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time!

Critical Role Campaign 3

I’ve been catching up on the newest campaign by the popular Dungeons and Dragons streamers, Critical Role. I’ve watched some episodes of theirs before but since they recently started this next campaign, I’ve been able to follow along. If you’ve ever been interested in Dungeons and Dragons or Critical Role this is a great time to jump in.

Planning For Next Year

As I wrap up this year and look at my goals for next year, I’m planning to make some changes to my daily habits. This means that some of my writing routines will change and some of those changes will translate to my website here. I’ll have a post about two weeks from today with more details. Stay tuned!

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