Why I'm Not Writing This Week 6/11

Welcome to the Why I’m Not Writing This Week series!

If you’re not familiar with this series, just know that the only thing writers love more than writing is avoiding writing. And I am definitely no exception. Today, I’ll list five things that distracted me from my writing this week.

I encourage you to share with me your reasons for not writing every week too and I’ll share my favorites in the latest edition.

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We Have An ALMOST 1-Year-Old!

Arthur is already almost a whole year old. He turned 11 months on last Sunday. We’re already making plans for a COVID-safe first birthday. We can’t wait to celebrate the first year of Arthur!

New Haircut

After months of dealing with long, unruly hair, I finally felt safe enough to go to a salon and get my hair cut short. And I’m so glad I did! My new ‘do is so easy to maintain and feels great in the summer heat.

Visiting Family

I spent last week visiting some family members we haven’t seen in a while. Since everyone in my extended family is now vaccinated, it’s safe for us to travel more and let more and more family members meet Arthur. It’s nice to feel like things are getting back to normal.

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Home Remodel

While I was out of town last week, my husband worked on a huge remodeling project in our house: tearing up the carpets and refinishing the hardwood floors underneath. The project ran into some snags and we ended up not finishing until late on Sunday afternoon, but it was so worth the wait.

Finishing Up Edits

While I had hoped to finish my edits by the end of May and start the querying processes, I found myself procrastinating… a lot… So I’m recommitting to getting these edits done well and in a timely manner so I can start sending out some feelers to agents this summer.

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