Why I'm Not Writing This Week 1/15

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Welcome to the Why I’m Not Writing This Week series!

If you’re not familiar with this series, just know that the only thing writers love more than writing is avoiding writing. And I am definitely no exception. Today, I’ll list five things that distracted me from my writing this week.

I encourage you to share with me your reasons for not writing every week too and I’ll share my favorites in the latest edition.

Happy New Year

It’s a new year, but not much has changed since December. You can expect my blog to remain mostly the same this year. Two posts a week! But do check out my Instagram and Twitter pages, where I’ll be doing more interactive content daily!


Unfortunately, our family had a COVID-19 exposure over the weekend so we’re on lock down. My husband is isolating from me and Arthur, who are just doing the best we can. While it’s been a stressful meet and we’re probably not through yet, I’m so grateful for the support we have from work and our families.


I leaned into the new Netflix crazy and watched Bridgerton. As a fan of romance and Jane Austen, it was hard to resist. I loved the show so much I blew through it in just a couple of days. Of course, if I had known I’d be on lock down the rest of the week, I probably would have made it last a bit longer…



Last weekend, we had our first snow of the year and Arthur’s very first snow. Since we are in North Carolina, we didn’t get much and it didn’t stick at all where we are, but I still enjoyed watching his excitement and confusion when the flurries came down.

Chaos at the Capitol

And of course, I can’t really talk about my distractions without mentioning the chaos we saw at the capital last week. The news and photos that came from that day were haunting and will stay with me my whole life. While I’m grateful the electoral college count was able to continue on uncorrupted, it definitely makes me worry for the state of our country going forward.

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