Why I'm Not Writing This Week 11/24

Welcome to "Why I'm Not Writing." We all know that the only thing writers like doing better than writing is avoiding writing. So every Friday I list five things that have distracted me from my writing that week. 

I also encourage you to share with me what made you procrastinate this week by posting with #whyimnotwriting on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, or share in the comments below. I'll feature my favorites with everyone here. 


1. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Daniel and I got to take a rare day off yesterday to visit with his family. We had a lovely potluck lunch and spent the day at home with our critters, drinking beer and watching movies. Tomorrow, we'll be driving up to see our family in Tennessee and Virginia. I hope all of you were able to spend this holiday with the people you love, or at the very least I hope you enjoyed a relaxing day off. 

2. NaNoWriMo

I worked double-time on our co-writing novel this week so I could finish in time for the holidays. It was an exhausting time but I'm happy to say that Jack & Frank is now finished and will be waiting in my cloud files for me to edit when I'm ready (probably next year). This was by far my best NaNoWriMo year and I'll have a few more thoughts available about that in my final update on Wednesday the 29th. 

3. Books, Books, Books

With NaNoWriMo coming to a close, I have a stack of books to catch up on. In my line up is The Power, Turtles All the Way Down and The Last Ballad.  Some of these books I'd be reviewing in the upcoming weeks and I already have an author interview scheduled with Lauren Emily Whalen, whose book Satellite will be coming out on December 4th. Keep your eyes out for her interview on December 6th. If you're an author who would like me to review your book or do an author interview to promote an upcoming publication, please reach out to me via my contact page

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4. 2000 Followers On Twitter! 

I hit 2,000 followers on my twitter page this week. If you don't already follow me on there, please do. We have a lot of fun and great conversations daily. Thanks to all of you who already follow me and make our community so great! 

5. Small Business Saturday

Some people get very excited about Black Friday, but to me, Small Business Saturday is the best shopping day of the year. We live in a small community and Daniel works for a small business. This day is one of their best of the year and is the perfect time to show support to the local businesses you love. Consider heading to your downtown area tomorrow and spending some money with local business owners.

Why Aren't You Writing? 

What About You? Why Aren't You Writing This Week? Share With Me With #WhyImNotWriting And I'll Feature You In My Post Next Friday! 

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